The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics: EMBO Practical Course

Date: Jul 10, 2017

About EMBO Practical Course

The discovery of the molecular mechanisms of acquired bacterial immunity and the demonstration that the CRISPR/Cas system can be transplanted to practically any model organism unleashed an unprecedented explosion in genome engineering technology development. Within a few years the toolkit of techniques for editing and reprogramming the genome has vastly expanded and has enabled new types of experiments in complex vertebrate systems that were previously confined to bacterial and yeast models.

This EMBO Practical Course will provide a high quality hands on practical training in the most recent advances in mouse genome engineering.

Venue: The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
             Pfotenhauerstr 108 
             D-01307 Dresden

Contacts: Mihail Sarov
                  Tel: +49 351 210 2617

                  Rayk Behrendt
                  Tel: +49 351 458 19329

More information can be found in the website blow:

About Cyagen Biosciences

As a sponser of EMBO practical course, Cyagen Biosciences is the world's largest provider of custom-made mouse and rat models. From transgenic animals, to knockins, to CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing, Cyagen offers a one-stop solution for all your custom rodent model needs. Cyagen also offers a comprehensive series of stem cell products including cell lines and media, and our award-winning VectorBuilder platform can provide you with custom vectors for all your research needs. Our VectorBuilder platform provides a wide variety of molecular engineering services. Using our innovative online tools, you can design and order custom DNA constructs specific to your experimental needs. Right now, you can choose from lentiviruses, AAV vectors, shRNA expression vectors, CRISPR/Cas vectors, and more. Soon, VectorBuilder will also offer AAV-based CRISPR vectors!

Contact us today - We help you discover life.