PiggyBac-on-BAC Transgenic Rats

PiggyBac-on-BAC Transgenic Rats
  • Single copy rats
  • As little as 3 months
  • Reliable and consistent
  • Can utilize BAC modification
  • Optimal transgenic modeling method for functional genomics studies

Our new PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic rat service can deliver single-copy transgenic rats with more consistent expression of your transgene. This proprietary transgenic method has the following advantages over other transgenic approaches:

(1) Integration occurs as a single copy at each integration site. By contrast, in conventional transgenics, there are typically multiple copies integrated in tandem at each integration site. The presence of multiple copies can interfere with the expression of the transgene, and may even induce silencing.


(2) The integrated fragment is defined, namely only your desired transgene sequence is integrated. No vector backbone sequence is integrated, nor is there any loss of your transgene sequence. By contrast, in conventional transgenics, the transgene may integrate along with extra vector backbone sequence, or the transgene sequence may be partially eroded.

mechanism of the Piggybac-on-BAc transgenic method

Workflow of PiggyBac-on-BAC Transgenic Rat Projects

Each full PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic rat project is divided into the following phases:

workflow of PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic rat projects

1. PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic strategy design

  • Design a PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic strategy that meets your research needs.
  • Develop a PCR genotyping strategy for PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic founder screening.

2. PiggyBac-on-BAC modification

  • Modify BACs by recombineering as needed for BAC-based transgenes (visit our BAC Modification Services page for details).
  • Confirm the BAC modification by restriction digest and sequencing as needed.

3. PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic pronuclear injection

  • Inject the verified PiggyBac-BAC into the pronucleus of fertilized eggs.
  • Implant injected eggs into surrogate mothers to obtain offspring.

4. PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic rat screening

  • Genotype pups by PCR to identify those carrying the PiggyBac-on-BAC transgene.


Technical Details of PiggyBac-on-BAC Transgenic Rats

Preparation of DNA for injection and development of a genotyping strategy

The success of PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic production depends critically on the design and the quality of PiggyBac-BAC used in pronuclear injection. Accordingly, we employ a special protocol to design and prepare top-quality PiggyBac-BAC for our injections. BAC DNA is typically injected in unlinearized form, as this has been shown to produce similar biological outcomes as linearized BAC.

Generation of PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic founder rats

-PiggyBac-BAC injection to obtain founders, basic service: A minimum of 200 eggs (SD and Long Evans) will be injected to produce live animals. This will result in an average of 2 transgenic founders, but the actual numbers could fluctuate significantly, and it is possible that no founders are obtained. If you wish to ensure the generation of founders, we strongly recommend that you use our guaranteed service option (see below).

-PiggyBac-BAC injection to obtain founders, guaranteed service: We guarantee a minimum of 2 transgenic founders (the actual number of founders obtained is typically higher).

-Genotyping pups to identify founders: Pups will be genotyped by PCR to identify PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic founder rats following the strategy designed by Cyagen scientists.


Pricing and Turnaround Time

Service Donor egg strain Price Turnaround time

PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic strategy design

  Free 1-4 days
PiggyBac-BAC modification   Please inquire 2-5 weeks
Prepare PiggyBac-BAC for injection and develop genotyping strategy   Please inquire 1-2 weeks
PiggyBac-BAC injection to obtain founders, basic service SD Please inquire 12-18 weeks
Long Evans Please inquire 19-25 weeks
PiggyBac-BAC injection to obtain founders, guaranteed service SD Please inquire 12-16 weeks
Long Evans Please inquire 19-30 weeks
Genotyping pups to identify PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic founders   Please inquire 1 week
Note: For PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic rat services not listed above, please inquire about availability and pricing. The turnaround time above does not include the time for obtaining host institutions' approval for rat importation, nor transit time during shipping.


Donor Strain Information

We typically produce PiggyBac-on-BAC transgenic rats in SD and Long Evans strain backgrounds, but we may be able to offer other strains to accommodate your special research needs.

>> Mouse models are also available. Learn more about PiggyBac-on-BAC Transgenic Mouse Services.



Cyagen offers the best guarantee in the industry – we will fully refund the client’s service fee if animals with the specified genotype are not generated (except for genetic modifications severely affecting viability, morbidity, or fertility). Given the complexity of biological systems, a particular genetic modification may not result in the desired phenotype. As such, Cyagen's guarantee covers the creation of animals with the specified genotype, not a particular phenotypic outcome in terms of transcription, protein/RNA function, or organismal biology.


Order Supporting Information 

Please see below for supporting information related to Cyagen animal orders.



Inquiries and Quote Requests

Request a quote now. Alternatively, you can always email animal-service@cyagen.com or call 800-921-8930 to inquire about our services or obtain a quote for your project.


Why Choose Cyagen?

  • 18 years' experience in custom animal model generation
  • 78,000+ animal models generated and delivered worldwide
  • 6,200+ citations in SCI journals
  • 3,000+ university and company partners
  • 100% money-back guarantee option available for most services
  • AAALAC-Accredited and OLAW Assured